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國立成功大學 National Cheng Kung University

性別平等教育委員會 Gender Equity Education Committee


Guidelines for the Establishment

National Cheng Kung University Guidelines for the Establishment of Gender Equity Education Committee

93 年12月 8日 93 學年第2 次校務會議通過

94 年10月 5日 94 學年第1 次校務會議修正通過

99 年4月 28日 98 學年度第4 次校務會議延會修正通過

100 年7月 7日 99 學年度第5 次校務會議延會修正通過

101 年6月 18日 100 學年度第5 次性平會修正通過並經校長核定實施

101 年11月 19日 101 學年度第2 次性平會修正通過

101 年12月 26日 101 學年度第2 次校務會議修正通過

104 年1月 7日 103 學年度第2 次校務會議修正通過

Approved by the 2nd University council meeting in the 2004 academic year on December 8, 2004

Amended and approved by the 1st University council meeting in the 2005 academic year on October 5, 2005

Amended and approved by the 4th University council meeting in the 2009 academic year on April 28, 2010

Amended and approved by the 5th University council meeting in the 2010 academic year on July 7, 2011

Amended and approved by the 5th Gender Equity Education Committee Meeting and ratified by the President in the 2011 academic year on June 18, 2012

Amended and approved by the 2nd Gender Equity Education Committee Meeting in the 2012 academic year on November 19, 2012

Amended and approved by the 2nd University council meeting in the 2012 academic year on December 26, 2012

Amended and approved by the 2nd University council meeting in the 2014 academic year on January 7, 2015


一、本校為推動性別平等教育,營造無性別歧視教育環境及建立安全和諧校園, 特依「性別平等教育法」第六條訂定本要點。

National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) set the Guidelines according to Article 6 of the Gender Equity Education Act to promote gender equality, create a learning environment free of gender discrimination, and build a safe and harmonious campus.


二、本校另設性別平等教育委員會(以下簡稱本委員會) ,置委員21 人,由校長、學務長、教務長、總務長、人事主任、教師代表10 人,職工代表2 人、學生代表 3 人及學生家長1 人組成之。由校長擔任主任委員;主任秘書擔任執行秘書 ,綜理執行本委員會事務;並置副執行秘書1 人,襄助執行秘書處理會務,由執行秘書推薦經校長同意後派兼之。委員任期一年,連選得連任。每學期至少開會一次。

National Cheng Kung University has set up the Gender Equity Education Committee (hereafter referred to as “the Committee”), consisting of 21 committee members. The members include the president, the vice president for student affairs, the vice president for academic affairs, the vice president for general affairs, the chief personnel officer, ten faculty members, one staff member, one technician, three students, and one parent. The president is appointed as the chairperson, and the chief secretary is appointed as the executive secretary to execute committee affairs. A deputy executive secretary is also appointed to assist the executive secretary after being recommended by the executive secretary and approved by the president. Committee members are appointed for a term of one year and are eligible for re-election. At least one meeting should be convened each semester.     


三、本委員會教師代表宜自婦女性別教育、社會、法律、心理、醫療等相關領域專長教師中,由校長優先遴聘之,學生代表由學生會產生,職員代表由人事 室推薦,技工代表由總務處推薦,學生家長代表由學務處推薦產生,報請校長聘任之。委員之聘任宜考慮性別平等之意識與性別均衡之原則,女性委員名額不得少於二分之一。

Faculty members on the Committee should be selected by the NCKU president from the fields of gender education for women, sociology, law, psychology, health care, etc. Students on the Committee should be recommended by the student association, a staff member should be recommended by the Personnel Office, a technician should be recommended by the Office of General Affairs, and a parent should be recommended by the Office of Student Affairs. All the members should be approved and appointed by the president. When appointing Committee members, awareness of gender equity and gender balance should be taken into consideration and the number of female members should not be less than one-half.     


四、為策劃與推動本校性別平等教育相關業務,本委員會依任務需求區分為行政組、教學組、防治組以及校園安全組四組。行政組 以執行秘書擔任召集人,性平會與人事室為主責單位;教學組以教務長擔任召集人,教務處與通識教育中心為主責單位 ;防治組以學務長擔任召集人,性平會與學務處為主責單位;校園安全組以總務長擔任召集人,總務處為主責單位。

To plan and promote gender equity-related affairs, the Committee is divided into four working groups, including administrative, education, prevention, and campus security groups. The convener of the Administrative Group is the executive secretary, with the Committee and the personnel office as competent authorities. The convener of the Education Group is the vice president for academic affairs, with the Office of Academic Affairs and the Center for General Education as competent authorities. The convener of the Prevention Group is the vice president for student affairs, with the Committee and the Office of Student Affairs as competent authorities. The convener of the Campus Security Group is the vice president for general affairs, with the Office of General Affairs as the competent authority.     



The duties of each group of the Committee are as follows:

(一)    行政組 

Administrative Group

1.   檢視本校性別平等教育相關政策法規。

2.   提出本校校園性侵害性騷擾或性霸凌防治辦法修訂案。

3.   執行本校性別平等教育委員會會務行政相關事宜。

4.   督導考核各組性別平等教育相關工作之實施。

5.   彙整本校性別平等教育年度計畫、預算及評估實施成效。   

6.   規劃或辦理教職員工性別平等教育相關活動。 

7.   其他性別平等教育之綜合性事務。

1. Review gender equity-related policies and regulations established by National Cheng Kung University.

2. Propose the revision of prevention measures for sexual assault, sexual harassment and sexual bullying on campus.

3. Implement administrative affairs of the Committee.

4. Supervise and evaluate the implementation of gender equity-related work of each working group.

5. Draft the annual project and budget for gender equity education, and assess the implementation outcome.

6. Plan or hold gender equity education events for faculty and staff members.

7. Other general affairs related to gender equity education.


(二)    教學組 

Education Group

1.   統籌、研發、規劃並落實本校性別平等教育之課程與教學研究。

2.   依據學生教學評量回饋評鑑本校性別平等教育之課程與教學實施成效。

3.   其他有關性別平等教育之課程與教學事務。

1.     Coordinate, research, and plan gender equity courses, teaching, and research.

2.     Evaluate gender equity courses and teaching outcome based on student feedback.

3.     Other courses and teaching affairs related to gender equity.  


(三)    防治組 

Prevention Group

1.   擔任本校校園性平事件申請調查或檢舉之收件窗口。  

2.   提供本校校園性侵害或性騷擾事件處置之諮詢服務。 

3.   規劃校園性別平等教育宣導工作。 

4.   其他有關校園性侵害性騷擾或性霸凌防治之相關事務。 

5.   本組中三位以上委員組成事件處理小組,審查是否受理申請調查或檢舉; 認定應受理時,應決定是否成立調查小組調查。決定調查時,由事件處理小組推薦調查小組委員名單並簽請校長核定之。

1.       The contact point for applications for investigation and reports of gender equality incidents on campus.

2.       Provide advice on responses to sexual assault and sexual harassment on campus.  

3.       Plan education campaigns on gender equity on campus.

4.       Other affairs related to preventing sexual assault, sexual harassment, and sexual bullying on campus.  

5.       An incident response team should be set up by three group members to review whether to accept the applications for investigation or reports. If an application or report is accepted, it should be decided whether an investigation team should be assembled. If it is decided that an investigation team should be assembled, team members should be recommended by the incident response team and approved and appointed by the president.


(四)    校園安全組 

Campus Security Group

1.   規劃、維護及改善校園環境友善安全設施。 

2.   舉辦校園安全檢視成果說明會。 

3.   其它有關性別平等教育之校園安全事項。

1.     Organize, maintain, and improve the quality of friendly safety facilities on campus.

2.     Hold public meetings on the evaluation results of campus security.

3.     Other campus security affairs related to gender equity.



The competent authorities of each group should appoint a faculty/staff member to take charge of gender equity affairs and build comprehensive information and files.



Any sexual assault, harassment and bullying incidents shall be handled in accordance with the Regulations on the Prevention of Sexual Assault, Sexual Harassment, and Sexual Bullying on Campus established by National Cheng Kung University.



Any matters not specified in the Guidelines shall be addressed in accordance with the Gender Equity Education Act.


These Guidelines take effect after being approved by a university council meeting; the same applies when it is amended.    

(These regulations were translated from the original Chinese. In the event of any discrepancies between the two versions, the Chinese always takes precedence.)