
國立成功大學 National Cheng Kung University

性別平等教育委員會 Gender Equity Education Committee




107性別影展暨映後座談(4)] 11/06(二) 18:30 《媽的!一百種死法 Damn Mother》&《無法訴說的羈絆 I Cannot Tell You How I Feel》

★講題:《媽的!一百種死法 Damn Mother》&《無法訴說的羈絆 I Cannot Tell You How I Feel》
★時間:107/11/06(二) 18:30 - 21:00
★地點:學生活動中心B1 國際會議廳第一演講室
林記民 主任 (中信金融管理學院諮商輔導中心)
陳麗光 老師 (成大老年學研究所副教授)
黃媽(楊貴媚飾)曾經是風光的游泳健將,如今卻是一個失業的單親媽媽,與女兒凱音(安乙蕎飾)相依為命。 經濟壓力讓她患上了憂鬱症,一遇到挫折就想透過自殺來逃避,但她用了各種方法,卻沒有一次成功。
A-Man, an unemployed single mother and her daughter, Kai-yin depend on each other for life. She suffers from depression because of financial burdens, and wants to escape through suicide in the face of setbacks. She has attempted a variety of methods of suicide, but never succeeded.
《無法訴說的羈絆》I Cannot Tell You How I Feel       
蘇・弗迪胥Su Friedrich|美國USA|2016|紀錄片Documentary|Color|42min|普
Su FRIEDRICH has taken up the camera again in her ongoing quest to film the battleground of family life. Her mother Lore – who played the lead in The Ties That Bind (1984), a film about her experiences growing up in Germany during the Second World War – plays the lead again, this time kicking and protesting against being moved at the age of 94 from her home in Chicago to an “independent living” facility in New York. Friedrich and her two siblings fill out the supporting roles, cajoling, comforting, and freaking out.
★與談人:林記民主任 (中信金融管理學院諮商輔導中心)
★與談人:陳麗光老師 (成大老年學研究所副教授)