
國立成功大學 National Cheng Kung University

性別平等教育委員會 Gender Equity Education Committee




[107性別影展暨映後座談(2)] 10/31(三) 《AIDS:被消失的聲音 Nothing Without Us - The Women Who Will End AIDS》

★講題:《AIDS:被消失的聲音 Nothing Without Us –The Women Who Will End AIDS》
★時間:107/10/31(三) 18:30 - 21:00
★地點:學生活動中心B1 國際會議廳第一演講室
★主講人:柯乃熒 (國立成功大學護理學系教授)
AIDS:被消失的聲音》Nothing Without Us –The Women Who Will End AIDS
Harriet Hirshorn|美國|2017|記錄片|Color|67min|普|英文/法文
1980 年代愛滋危機震撼全球,在汙名化同性戀的動機下,愛滋一直被論述成是男同志專屬的疾病,但也因此愛滋平權運動一直被認為是白種男同志的貢獻,紐約和舊金山則是反愛滋的基地。事實上,愛滋在初始蔓延之際,有多位非裔女性的感染者,從一開始就在防治愛滋與愛滋平權運動中扮演重要的關鍵角色,包括影響了草根團體ACT-UP 的組織運作和非洲的愛滋防治,然而她們卻在歷史中被抹煞、被遺忘。透過檔案影像及非洲和美國的女性愛滋平權社運工作者、科學家、學者的訪談,本片讓女性在全球愛滋平權與防治運動顯影,同時也讓愛滋平權運動的歷史超脫以美國白種男同志為核心的主流史觀。
Harriet Hirshorn|USA|2017|Documentary|Color|67min|General|English/French
Nothing Without Us is the first documentary to tell the story of how HIV+ women on two continents turned a devastating diagnosis into a fight for survival – and a movement to end a global epidemic.
Since the early 90s, AIDS has largely been painted as affecting mainly white, gay males. Rich with stories, facts, and moments of hope, "Nothing Without Us" brings light to those who this narrative passes over. Viewers are brought to locations as close as New Orleans and Oakland, and as far as Nigeria, Burundi and Spain to meet the women who stand on the front lines in the fight for equal rights and medical protection against AIDS. These women have banded together in organizations to bring medication, counseling, and -perhaps most importantly -- attention to the women of color that are most afflicted by the ongoing crisis. The fight may not be over, but "Nothing Without Us" is threaded with the hope an end is possible.
★演講者:柯乃熒 教授
國立成功大學附設醫院 兼任督導長
國立成功大學附設醫院 護理部副主任
國立成功大學護理學系 教授
教育部愛滋病防治教育委員會 諮詢委員 

