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國立成功大學 National Cheng Kung University

性別平等教育委員會 Gender Equity Education Committee


★110性別影展(2) 《青春路途迷失中Sami, Joe, and I》

Karin Heberlein|Switzerland|2020|Drama|Color|94min|G

※預告片Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-6yr4-X8MTw

★Time:2021/11/02(Tue)18:00 - 21:00

★Location:Student Activity Center B1 International Conference Hall Lecture Room I





Sami, Joe and Leyla are an inseparable group of friends. The end of their time at school together should have been the start of an exciting summer, but the three youngsters have their hands full: Sami suffers under her overly strict parents, Joe has to look after her siblings, while her single mother works overtime and Leyla nervously begins her apprenticeship in a canteen kitchen. For the teenage girls tough decisions overshadow their dreams. In those defining days of their lives, their friendship seems to be the only constant. But as events take a harsh turn, even their friendship is put to the test.


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