[106性別影展X性別論壇] 10/30(一)18:30《卵巢瘋上路》映後座談

《卵巢瘋上路   Ovarian Psycos》
時間:106/10/30 (一) 18:30-21:00
地點:學生活動中心B1 國際會議廳 第一演講室
與談人:王右君 老師(成大台文系副教授)
Joanna SOKOLOWSKI/Kate TRUMBULL-LAVALLE|2016|美國|紀錄片|Color|普


Riding at night through streets deemed dangerous in Eastside Los Angeles, the Ovarian Psycos use their bicycles to confront the violence in their lives. The film intimately chronicles Xela as she struggles to strike a balance between her activism and nine year old daughter Yoli; street artist Andi who is estranged from her family and journeys to become a leader within the crew; and bright eyed recruit Evie, who despite poverty, and the concerns of her mother, discovers a newfound confidence.