[105性別論壇X性別影展] 12/08《黑暗中赤腳漫舞》映後座談

《黑暗中赤腳漫舞 In the Darkness of the Movie Theater I Take Off My Shoes》
時間:105/12/08 (四) 18:30-21:00
地點:學生活動中心B1 國際會議廳 第一演講室
與談人:蕭潔恒 (紐約Kyle Abraham/Abraham In Motion舞團 舞者暨推廣教育講師)
Cláudia Varejão
The Portuguese National Company of Ballet is about to commemorate its 40 -year anniversary. Its mission is to perform the great classics and to host a sustained flow of contemporary creations. Daily life is demanding for dancers, choreographers, ballet masters, wardrobe staff, light and sound technicians together with a vast team that enables dancing to happen from rehearsal rooms till it reaches the stage. The daily work of a dancer is a constant negotiation between instinct and technique. It is about the desire to push themselves just a little bit more. Transcending the body allows those who dare to do it and those who watch to reach unique moments of freedom. Going beyond the limits of a movement evokes eternity, for a brief moment. It’s the search for the infinite through the finite.