[105性別論壇x性別影展] 10/26《炙熱豔陽下》映後座談

《炙熱豔陽下 Parched》
時間:105/10/26 (三) 18:30-21:00
地點:學生活動中心B1 國際會議廳 第一演講室
與談人:蔡玫姿 副教授 (國立成功大學中文系/曾任性平會委員)      
Leena Yadav
Rani, a 32-year-old woman, was married at 13 and widowed at 16. Her life’s sole purpose since then has been to raise her son, Gulab. It was until she met Janaki, her 15-year-old future daughter-in-law, did she realize that the history is repeated. One fateful fall night, in the lead-up to the Dussehra festival, Rani, Janaki, and Rani’s two friends go on an adventure that changes the trajectory of their lives and that of Janaki. The film is based on a real story.